
Underline the most important questions and objectives of the study

Identify the Problem. Teachers and parents put much effort into encouraging charitable giving and promoting children’s willingness to give to support others. Nevertheless, they do not pay enough attention to “deeper, more critical engagement in the reasons...and the cause issues that sit behind this giving” (Body 200). “Most children positively engage in charitable giving ... however, less than 20% are aware of the cause...and most have little decision-making in their giving” (Body 189). At the same time, the study addresses childhood poverty by creating a program that effectively teaches children the value of giving with toys while helping undeserved communities.

Identify the Need. It is essential to educate children on true causes for charitable giving, to improve the process of philanthropic actions in schools, and empower children’s decision-making to willingly participate in giving and helping children in need. Children’s willingness to engage increases “when they critically examine the cause area and ... lead on giving decisions” (Body 189) and understand positive outcomes. Also, teaching children to experience a warm glow or “good feelings” from helping others will motivate young humans to participate in kind actions.

Explore the Opportunities. Nowadays, many American children have enough toys to play with and share. Per Hassan Alnassir’s survey, “61% of US parents feel their kid has too many toys at home ... 80% of the kids play with only 20 or fewer out of all the toys they have.” Seventy-five percent of US parents “get rid of 3-14 of their child’s toys.... an average of 6 toys are disposed of yearly for each kid” (Alnassir). Therefore, children can use their toys to learn the value of charitable giving.

Consider other benefits. Donating a few playthings will benefit children who have limited access to toys. There are many underserved children and families around the country and abroad. Around 55% of the world’s population lives on $163 a month or less (Lubin) with about one billion children being in multidimensional poverty (Lynsey). American child poverty rates ranged from 8.1 % to 27.7% in 2023 (United States Census Bureau). In Texas alone there are over 1.7 million children who do not receive toys throughout the year (

Research how children learn to improve their engagement in kind deeds. This research project aims to offer practical solutions for children to help them learn about the value of charitable giving with toys.

Offer practical and effective solutions to teach children the value of charitable giving within schools and families more effectively. Young minds will understand the real causes of kind actions and experience “good feelings” of giving. As a result, they will be more enthusiastic about participating in philanthropic actions throughout their lives.

Do research on how to minimize or eliminate the problem. Detailed research on the questions and objectives above focuses on children ages five to eight, their teachers, and their parents. To offer a design-centric solution, create an engaging educational tool to educate children about the value of charitable giving with toys.

This Research paper will explore how giving away toys can help little humans learn and feel the value of charitable giving by empathizing with children in need and willingly sharing their preloved playthings.

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Better children's understanding of the causes for charitable giving and improved process of philanthropic actions in schools and families should give children decision-making power and encourage them to participate more willingly in giving.